Frensham Heights Performing Arts Centre
Client: Frensham Heights School
The performing arts centre is a new theatre built for both teaching and public performances, including dance, drama and music. The auditorium, with a seating capacity of 340, is modelled on double cube proportions, creating a very adaptable space rising in three tiers to an exposed, trussed rafter roof.
Staging can be arranged in a variety of layouts to suit the performance: From an open-end stage to a proscenium frame, and from a thrust stage to a theatre-in-the-round.
The seating can be electronically retracted to the rear wall to give a level floor surface throughout. Each of the staging configurations can be set up by three people in about 45 minutes.
The building is located within the grounds of an Edwardian mansion, which accommodates the main part of the school, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It rests calmly behind a screen of mature oak trees, through which the lively foyer areas can be seen from the direction of approach.
“It is superb! It is still hard to believe that we have such a fantastic facility, which suits so many of our needs and gives such pleasure to so many. I could go on... our pleasure is considerable!... thank you all for what is a magnificent achievement.”