
Sennen Cove, Cornwall

Sennen Cove Cornwall

Private Client

Mordros is a single-family dwelling occupying an elevated position above Sennen Cove at the west end of Maria’s Lane. It is located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and in a Conservation Area. Built in 1973, Mordros detracts from the character of the Conservation Area and relates poorly to its immediate landscape setting and to its wider context. The proposed improvements will enhance the contribution the house makes to its sensitive setting. 

To this end all windows are being replaced and measures to reduce the carbon footprint of the house are taken, including the installation of high performance windows and doors with sealed units, the installation of a wood burning stove, and the installation of solar panels flush with the roof on the south pitch, which is not prominent in distant views from the cliff path and Sennen Cove.