As part of the consultation on proposals for the restoration of the Old Town Hall and Market Place in Whitby, representatives from BFF had a fascinating day seeking the views of local residents on Monday.
The Old Town Hall and Market Place project is one of six priority projects from the Whitby Town investment plan chosen to proceed to delivery under the Government’s Towns Fund programme which saw Whitby secure £17.1m.
Artists impression of the proposals
Whitby’s Old Town Hall & Market Place, are Grade II* Listed and an iconic part of the town’s heritage. A toll-booth/town hall and market has been located on the site since the 17th century. After the original toll booth building became decayed and unsuitable, it was demolished and in 1788 the then Lord of the Manor, Nathaniel Cholmley commissioned Jonathan Pickernell of Whitby to design the Old Town Hall which stands today.
An outdoor market still takes place within Whitby market place and the undercroft of the old town hall building to this present day. However, the building is in a poor state of repair and the first floor has not been occupied or used since 2017.
The aims of the project are to:
Build on the history and heritage of the old town hall building and market place by repairing & restoring the building to secure its structural integrity and improve the appearance of this unique heritage asset for Whitby.
Restore the Old Town Hall Building as a key focal point for Whitby, through refurbishment and repurposing to create 112sqm of year round floorspace to ensure the building is sustainable and income-generating in the long term.
Create a vibrant and bustling year round market place, with 81sqm of improved quality of public realm and improved facilities for market traders, driving an increase in footfall and dwell times.
The project is been developed and supported by both Scarborough Borough Council and Whitby Town Council.
The project team comprising of officers and members from Scarborough Borough Council and Whitby Town Council, representatives from North Yorkshire County Council and Whitby Civic Society are now seeking the views from members of the public on the preferred option for the scheme, which would see the undercroft of the building glazed with sliding/opening panels and a split level landscape design for the market place.
The consultation period continues until Friday 10th June, and display boards explaining the scheme can be viewed in Whitby Library until that date.