Work has begun on transforming the former Magistrates Court in Kidderminster into a new Creative Hub, designed by Burrell Foley Fischer. The transformation of the historic Grade II Listed buildings and former weaving sheds will provide contemporary multi-functional arts and cultural development space, co-working and research space. It also includes a complete renovation and re-development of the public area on Worcester Street – Coronation Gardens - and the Worcester Cross.
Artist’s impression of the front of Kidderminster Creative Hub, courtesy of NWedR
International multi-disciplinary property and construction company, BAM, has been appointed to deliver the construction and engineering work which will bring the former Magistrates Court back into use. Burrell Foley Fischer are delighted to be providing architectural services to them during the construction phase.
This project is funded through the Government’s Future High Streets Fund and is being progressed by North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration (NWedR) on behalf of Wyre Forest District Council. The £10.5 million project was granted planning permission in January 2022. Due to a national rise in building and construction costs, original plans have been modified to bring the project into budget.
Artist’s impression of the front elevation of the former magistrates' court regeneration , courtesy of NWedR
Ostap Paparega, Head of NWedR said:
“It’s great to see work starting on site at the new Kidderminster Creative Hub which has been a long-term project in the making. A great deal of work has gone into bringing this project forward, including making difficult decisions in the light of current budget and logistics challenges. Our original plan to construct a new office block within the old part of the building is simply too costly to include at this stage, but there is a provision to return to this at a later date.
The important thing is to keep the momentum going on the transformation of this heritage building and deliver on the council’s promise of a new Creative Hub for Kidderminster. It forms part of the overall Regenerating Kidderminster transformation programme which will see significant changes across the town over the next two years.”
Artist’s impression of the side elevation of the former magistrates' court regeneration , courtesy of NWedR
Steve Roome, Director of BAM said
“BAM is delighted to be involved in building the new Creative Hub. We have worked hard with all local stakeholders to make this scheme happen and it’s fantastic that the scheme is now on site. BAM are committed to working with NWedR and Wyre Forest District Council to regenerate Kidderminster town centre. BAM is a local company and part of the local community. We hope this partnership with the local authorities can now start to deliver opportunities and outcomes for the businesses and people who live in Kidderminster through our “Think Kidderminster First” approach.
Further details can be found here: